The Caribou, Level 5, is a reader in the Nunavummi Reading Series from Inhabit Education. This is a unique Nunavut-made levelled reading series that aligns the reading expectations of the Inuit language, English, and French. The reading series corresponds closely to the reading levels and expectations developed by the Department of Education in Nunavut. This approach to literacy provides educators and parents the tools they need to ensure that children are equally challenged and successful in all the languages represented in Nunavut. This Level 5 book is designed for the early grade one level reader attending Arctic region education facilities. At Level 5 the readers have 12 pages with single basic sentences per page. In this reader punctuation includes mostly periods, with very few question marks and exclamation marks. In this book readers are introduced to highly supportive colour photographs of the caribou that live on the tundra. This leveled reader is Level 4 and has a text identified as Fountas & Pinnell Level: A.